Tennis elbow

Tennis elbow

Tennis elbow

What is epicondylitis

How many times have you heard the phrase “tennis elbow”? I suppose many and often. That is why today we are going to see in detail what is tennis elbow or better said, scientifically and clinically <lateral epicondylitis>, the inflammation of the short radial carpal and the tendons of the extensor muscles of the forearm.

People at risk of epicondylitis

Despite the name, epicondylitis does not only affect tennis players, they represent the smallest slice of those involved.

It can suffer all people who in the performance of their work are forced to overload the arm and wrist in twisting movements, and in addition to carrying large weights despite the pain symptomatology.

At least half of tennis players during their long competitive activity suffered from epicondylitis, hence the widespread saying “tennis elbow”.

Incorrect grip and cushioning, inadequate muscle preparation, are the causes of epicondylitis. Not only the physical preparation but also the sports instruments used can cause it, for example, a handle of the racket with a small diameter.

The most involved subjects belong to the age group 30-60, cause aging muscles and less elastic tendons. The pain is acute when the forearm performs the typical movement of the tennis shot, i.e. when there is the twisting and extension of the wrist (prone-supination of the wrist).


Pain can also occur while performing simple movements such as raising your hand to grab a glass, turning the handle, or while writing.

Diagnosis, indicated examinations and treatments

The specialist will make the right diagnosis through MRI and palpation. To prevent the pain from becoming chronic, a long rest is recommended first of all to slow down the part involved. The use of a pure brace will be optimal for care where complete rest is not possible; even ice packs after exercise can relax the part involved.. Thirdly, steroid Pharmaceutical Care, both to soothe pain and to alleviate inflammation.

Osteoplus® therapy

In cases of chronic pain, tissue biostimulation, releasing a powerful anti-inflammatory and vascularizing action, can be decisive for a total healing of the epicondyle.

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