Blunt trauma

Blunt trauma

Blunt trauma


Who has never suffered a blow or bump? Who has never fallen or hurt himself by hitting a sharp object?

The knock received or caused accidentally causes the so-called contusion to arise. The contusion is manifested by a localized swelling and a bruise that evokes the crushing of the underlying soft tissues and the rupture of the blood vessels. It occurs particularly in places where the bone is more superficial, such as the knee.

Bruises can be of different degrees and danger: they range from simple rupture of capillaries, to hematoma, to necrosis that sees impaired blood circulation.

Bruises according to the affected part of the body are divided into: tendons, muscles, bones and joints.

Certainly practicing physical and impact sports exposes us to a greater chance of suffering a trauma, a knock, but also simple actions or performed distractingly can cause accidents and therefore bruises.

To treat a mild bruise, it is enough to put an ice pack on the affected part, thus reducing the possibility of swelling and the formation of edema. When the bruise is of the 1st degree the cure from the pain is also given by the application of an ointment and a pharmaceutical painkiller cure. If the pain should persist, it is good to contact a specialist; often, the contusion, can be latent and present only later with small annoying pains. This happens when the hematoma remains under the skin, therefore not visible.

In some cases this may resorb naturally, or heal.

In other cases still turn into an edema, IE an accumulation of fluid.

Fluid accumulation not only slows healing, but can even expand and calcify. It often happens that you still feel some small pain in the affected area, despite having completed all the treatments and therapies indicated.

This happens when you are in the presence of fluid (edema), which must be absorbed as soon as possible.

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