Osteoporosis fracture

Osteoporosis fracture

Osteoporosis fracture

Osteoporosis is the so-called “disease of the elderly”.

L’osteoporosi è la cosiddetta “malattia degli anziani”.

As mentioned in the World Health Organization, osteoporosis is a disease characterized by reduced density of bone mass (due to the low natural production of osteoblasts), and alteration of the microstructural bone tissue, responsible of an increased fragility and a consequent increase in fracture risk.

What are the causes of osteoporosis?

The causes of the onset of osteoporosis can be closely related to an unhealthy lifestyle, such as a lack of calcium in the diet or the intake of alcohol, smoking and carbonated drinks.

Fractures caused by osteoporosis are called pathological precisely because they are the “natural” consequence of pathology.

Pathological fractures, therefore, do not arise due to traumatic factors (shock impacts, serious accidents), but as a result of small usual and daily movements that we carry out with natural spontaneity.

This is why osteoporosis is called a silent and deceptive disease: it has no obvious symptoms and can occur when bone tissue has already lost much of its fundamental properties (calcium and mineral salts). A patient will be able to realize that he is subject to the pathology only after a “silly” accident or trauma. Pathology is also divided by degrees (primary and secondary) and by causes.

Typical, however, are pains that are found in people of adulthood and in well-localized and precise areas, wrist fractures of colles or at the expense of the hip and femur.


For the diagnosis of the fracture (both pathological and traumatic) it is necessary to visit a specialist who will recommend an X-ray, in mild cases, or a CT scan for more accurate control and for the detection of any injuries.

In the case of a pathological fracture due to osteoporosis, Osteoplus® therapy, with modular Pulsed Magnetic Fields at low frequency, non-invasive for bone tissue repair, is an excellent treatment to resume physical exercises quickly and painlessly.

The Osteoplus® biostimulator in fact reduces the healing time and in particular is a therapy that can be carried out in full freedom of movement. The therapy is given by a device of the latest generation, portable, programmed, personal and precise.

Learn more about how to treat osteoporosis.

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