Mouse tendonitis

Mouse tendonitis

Mouse tendonitis

Tendonitis of the arm and wrist.

How much time do we spend on the pc? For work? For study? For pleasure? The answer is too much.

How many working at the pc feel an annoying pain in the wrist? The answer is many. According to Statistics, 3 out of 10 people, suffer from the so-called mouse pain.

Good rule, to avoid pain in the wrist and not only, would be to adopt a better attitude and positions when you are at the pc: back straight, legs resting on a footrest to form an angle of 90 degrees, wrist resting on an ad hoc support to discharge the stress on the entire arm, elbows to form an angle of 90 degrees and aligned to the wrists.

It would be good to also use an ergonomic chair so as not to overload the back at the lumbar level.

Our lifestyle is another factor to consider for a comprehensive analysis of the problem. Sport and physical activity to strengthen muscles; swimming, for example, to strengthen the muscles of the forearm can be effective and prevent pain and discomfort.

Even reducing the use of tablets and phones could be a useful prevention…. if we can. As for wrist pain, the so-called” mouse pain ” is scientifically diagnosed as inflammation of the abductor tendon.

The specialist will be able to recommend an ultrasound or resonance in more severe cases, and later identify the most appropriate therapy.

Tendonitis on the wrist can also have a pathological cause, for example, be provoked by diseases such as osteoporosis or rheumatoid arthritis.

The therapies are many and usually the first advice is absolute rest. We know well, however, that in the case of a job that sees us engaged in the pc (or in another activity at the expense of the wrist) rest is not a viable move.

In these cases it is useful to start a drug treatment that slightly reduces pain, and later go to treat inflammation more effectively.

Osteoplus® biostimulator, through its powerful anti-inflammatory and vascularizing action provides enormous benefits already from the first week of treatment.

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