

Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease characterized by deterioration of articular cartilage (bone, ligaments).

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Blunt trauma

Bruise Who has never suffered a blow or bump? Who has never fallen or hurt himself by hitting a sharp object? The knock received or caused accidentally causes the so-called contusion to arise. The contusion is manifested by a localized swelling and a bruise that evokes the crushing of the underlying soft tissues and the [...]
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Golfer’s elbow

Tendonitis of the elbow/ inflammation of the epitrocleitis Epitrocleitis, that is, the elbow of the golsta, is a pathology that affects the medial part of the elbow. The cause is overload and strain of flexor muscles (hand and elbow), fast, rapid movements and contractions repeated over time, as happens precisely for the golfer as he [...]
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Tennis elbow

Il gomito del tennista o epicondilite è un’infiammazione dell’epicondilo del gomito che provoca dolore erigidità articolare. Scopri con Osteoplus® il rimedio!

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Mouse tendonitis

Trascorrere tante ore al pc utilizzando il mouse può provocare l’infiammazione del braccio o del polso. Scopri la cura per la tendinite con terapia Osteoplus®.

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How to cure Pubalgia

Groin pain Are you a sportsman? Do you train often? Do you feel a pain in the groin or pubic area? It can be pubalgia. Pubalgia, also called Recto-adductor syndrome, involves an overload of the muscles of the pelvic area. People at risk The most affected patients are sportsmen, footballers, tennis players chi who practice [...]
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Algodystrophy (Sudeck’s disease)

What is Algodystrophy and how is it treated Algodystrophy (also known as Sudeck's disease), is a rare disease that affects the limbs resulting in acute pain. Getting to the diagnosis is a complicated path, it causes the rarity of the disease and its symptoms, often attributable to different pathologies or diseases. Algodystrophy affects the limbs [...]
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Magnetotherapy at home

Rental/sale home magnetotherapy Magnetotherapy is the therapy that by means of a device releases electromagnetic fields with alternating frequency. Magnetotherapy is a non-invasive, painless therapy that lends itself to countless treatments: resorption of skin edema, repair of fractures( natural, pathological), treatment of osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, algodistroa, osteonecrosis, etc… In addition to quickly repairing bone fractures following [...]
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Fracture of the wrist

Fracture of the wrist. The Colles fracture (Abraham Colles, the Irish surgeon who first diagnosed it), that is, the fracture of the wrist, is one of the most common fractures. The causes of the Colles fracture can have different nature: traumatic, as a result of accident or fall, pathological, as a result of pathologies such [...]
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Osteoporosis fracture

Osteoporosis is the so-called “disease of the elderly". L’osteoporosi è la cosiddetta “malattia degli anziani”. As mentioned in the World Health Organization, osteoporosis is a disease characterized by reduced density of bone mass (due to the low natural production of osteoblasts), and alteration of the microstructural bone tissue, responsible of an increased fragility and a [...]
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